Monday, June 6, 2011


"Come and listen to my story about a man named Jed. Poor mountaineer barely kept his family fed. Then one day he was shootin' at some food, and up through the ground came a bubblin' crude."

That's right, I remember by heart all the words to the "Beverly Hillbillies" T.V. show theme song.  Sometimes I can barely remember my phone number, let alone a grocery list from heart.  But there is something about T.V. theme songs that are indelibly etched in my long term memory.  I can sing every word to  "Gilligan's Island", "I Love Lucy", and "Flipper".

I don't remember how to work a square root, how to diagram a sentence, how to conjugate a verb in French, but I can remember the words to "The Patty Duke" show.  That actually turned out to be pretty important. Several years ago ago, a local radio station had a contest one evening.  They challenged anyone who could sing, ON THE AIR, "The Patty Duke" show theme song to call in.  If the person who sang got it correct, they won a prize.  Well guess who won?  You got it!  Me!  I won a gift certificate to a local music store for the album of my choice. Don't laugh.  No one has offered  me a gift certificate for knowing the adjective that modifies the noun!

I am very proud of myself.  If I hadn't known Patty and Kathy were "one pair of matching bookends ... different as night and day", I would have been minus one less album in my collection.

So go ahead Jed, "load up the family and move to Beverly ... hills that is."  Who knows your reward just might be a cement pond?   And, I bet Mr. Ed could confirm that for you.  He is "a horse, a horse of course, of course", and "nobody talks to a horse of course, unless of course, the horse of choice is the famous Mr. Ed."

The Red Dress writing club asked us to write about things we remember from heart from our childhood.  I just immediately started singing!!


  1. I'd have failed the Patty Duke test, but I'm quite sure I'll know all the words to the Gilligan's Island theme until my dying day . . . which may or may not make me a popular chick in the nursing home.

  2. Oh I loved the Clampits!!!! Thank you for bringing me back.

  3. My Dad made us watch a video called "My Show of Shows," which starred Sid Caesar & Carl Reiner. Very funny stuff. One day, my social studies teacher asked a trivia question about a woman who played in the movie Vacation & My Show of Shows. My hand immediately went up and I yelled out "Imogene Coco." You just never know when this stuff is going to come in handy!

    Great post! Visitng from TRDC

  4. Hee! Love this! It is amazing what sticks with us - and what doesn't!

  5. what a great response to the prompt. I bet I know a lot of tv show themesongs too!

  6. Love it lady! I love singing along (terribly!) to just about anything! :)
