Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Flowers Still Come

After my Mother's death, I kept a journal.  I would write daily at times, then it would stretch to weeks, to months, and then sometimes just a writing on a very special occasion.  Below is an entry I made on the second Mother's Day after my Mother's death.  I still remember when this happened and how it touched my heart.  I share today in honor of all our Mother's both alive and in Heaven.

The Flowers Still Come …
Mother’s Day, 2006

I am now celebrating the second Mother’s Day without my Mother.  When I awoke this morning, I felt the immediate need to make the journey to the cemetery to deliver my flowers and spend a little time at my Mother’s grave site.  As I pulled into the cemetery, I saw a car parked to the side of the paved path, and I observed two people walking across the cemetery on their personal journey as well.  As I grew nearer I realized that I knew these two people … they were actually the parents of one my friends, and they have to be in their mid 80’s.  They both had bouquets of flowers, and that is when I noticed exactly which graves they were going to visit.  They split apart a bit, and then I saw them place their flowers on their Mothers’ graves.  Their Mothers must have been gone for decades at this point, yet the flowers still come.  This touched my heart in a way that hasn’t happened before.  It was my affirmation that it doesn’t matter how long our Mothers have been gone, they are never forgotten and memories abound for the rest of our lives.  After placing their flowers, they walked back to each other, took hands, and returned to their car.  I stood silently alone for a while, talked with my Mother, and then returned to my car.  These fifteen minutes enriched my Mother’s Day this year, and this sweet little couple has no idea they were such a part of it.  Our Lord certainly sends His loving touch in the most simplistic of ways.  We only need to be attentive.  The flowers still come.

Reflection …  My God of infinite love and mercy, I realize more and more that I live in the presence of your love. There is no way that I couldn’t, even if I tried, because you never give up on your children.  Open my heart to your continued love and fill it with the peace that only you can give.

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