Thursday, December 29, 2016

Power and Determination ...

Often times when I write and create my blog posts, I know my topic, know what I want to say, and can sit down and relatively quickly put words to paper.   Other times, I may have an idea, but am not sure just exactly what I want to say, so it takes me longer to develop my post, and have it ready for publication.

This time is quite different.  This topic I know intimately, I know my thoughts, I certainly know my content, but it is a topic that I am so intensely passionate about, that I can hardly find the words to convey my thoughts.  My heart needs to bleed words to give this the justice so rightly deserved. 

For a little background, on April 7, 2014 I started my wellness journey with the HMR program at Baptist Health Milestone Wellness Center in Louisville, KY. By December 29, 2014 I had lost 70 pounds!!!  This was amazing and overwhelming to me.   But as proud as I am of that loss, I am even prouder to say that today, December 29, 2016 marks a two year anniversary of maintaining my 70+ pound weight loss.   Some days it is 73, others 70, others 71 … depends on if the scale is being a brat when I weigh.  But all joking aside, I am one blessed girl!!! 

Last year, on this anniversary date,  I shared numbers and what they meant.   I’m not even going to enter the numbers for my lean proteins, fruits, veggies, whole grains, HMR shakes, HMR entrees, and physical activity calories, as I did last year.  Trust me,  they would almost mirror the same numbers this year as last year.   No this time, I want to try to convey the overwhelming feeling of the word that is almost the hardest with any of us on a wellness journey …  Maintenance!!!


April 7, 2014                        Weight 199.5

December 29, 2014         Weight 129.5     

So here we are at another December 29 … December 29, 2016

WEIGHT --- 128.25

Yes, I have made it another year, with maintaining within my 5 pound range for my maintenance weight.  You might ask about the 5 pound range.  Due to how our bodies work, on any given night of weigh-in, my weight could be down 3 pounds, up 3 pounds, or anywhere in between.  This was a hard lesson for me to understand and more importantly for me to embrace.  I had this “magic” number in my head that I thought I wanted to weigh, and thought I should weigh.   I have learned, and sometimes painfully, that our bodies dictate to us our maintenance weight.   Does that mean that because you want to eat certain foods in excess, not exercise or move your body in a healthy manner, or want to be content with a weight that is not healthy for you, that you can say, “oh, it’s what my body wants to do?”  Absolutely not!  What it does mean, is that if you are living a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet of lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, have a solid exercise program, and if you have lost weight down to a healthy weight;  that just because you “want” to weigh a certain number, it does not mean that your body will continue to lose weight to get to that number.   This is hard!  This is very hard!!!   I always wanted 5 pounds to “play with.”   That meant that I wanted to weigh about 5 pounds less than I really wanted to weigh, so that I could cheat at times, and not have to worry about that 1 to 3 pound weight gain that might accompany said cheat!   Well, guess what?   My body refuses to do it.   I eat basically the same combination of foods that I ate for a period of a year, as I was losing my 70+ pounds.  I exercise the same as I did during that year’s  period, and often even more vigorously and with heavier weight, but the scale will not budge.  My body has said, and has said loudly and clearly that it is happy!!!  It is happy, healthy, and perfectly content!!     And so am I.  So am I!!!!!!   I am overwhelmingly happy, healthy, and content!!!

On my recent physical check-up, my lab work was perfectly normal.   My numbers look better than they have looked in years.   I have completely stopped my blood pressure medicine, and I have been able to reduce my cholesterol medication by one-half.  This would be completely discontinued as well, but I have heredity issues with hypercholesterolemia, and we all know we cannot out-run heredity!

I had a bit of a set-back early in 2016, when I took a clumsy fall, and dislocated my shoulder, broke my humerus, and shattered the bones around the entire area.  I had major surgery on my right shoulder.   I am proud to say that during this surgery and recovery, I maintained  my weight precisely!  My exercise habits were adjusted greatly, due to physical limitations, but I barely missed a day in the gym.  I worked with my trainer, and we modified my work-out to accommodate my limitations.  I was in physical therapy for over 5 months.  My orthopedic surgeon has told me many, many times that my recovery has been so far above the bar, that he is truly amazed.  He said that anyone else with that injury would have ended up with a shoulder replacement.  I truly believe my recovery was due to my total body health that I enjoy, and the fact that I had strengthened my body physically, before my injury, with the correct exercise program.

My goal for 2016 was to actually run a 5K.  I am a vigorous walker, but am, admittedly,  a terrible runner.   On October 15,  I RAN my 5K.  It was a not a record time, but I RAN a 5K!!!!!!

Being a smaller size, and being able to wear different styles of clothes is so much fun!  However, our health educator always likes to ask us to share with him our “non-scale related victories.”   I want to convey in this post, the importance of those “non-scale related victories.”   I’m not diminishing the scale, and how it feels to see the numbers decrease on the scale.  But, one of the most important things I have learned, through this process, is that it is just so much more than the scale.  The scale is but a small part of a wellness journey.  

Brandon Howard has been my health coach, personal trainer, and friend throughout this journey.  I am forever grateful for his leadership, knowledge, compassion, and PATIENCE.   He has a God given gift for his life work, and I am so lucky to have crossed paths.   I have enjoyed the Don’t Sit Get Fit program with Eugene Dean for the past 2+ years.  He is awesome,  and his workouts are difficult, but always fun.  I have met innumerable friends, that I didn’t even know before this journey, who are  now kindred souls with me.  Debra Clover and Kay Snyder have been on the same journey with me since day 1, and we still march on together.  I love them!!!!!  Baptist Milestone is an awesome facility with awesome staff.  It is not just a gym … it is a wellness center.  I enjoy many Fitbit challenges with some of the trainers, and we always have smiles and laughter to share when we cross paths at the gym.  So you see, my “non-scale related victories” come in the form of human souls, friendships, support, laughter, tears, lifelong friends to walk a path with me.   All of this coupled with a body that feels great, health that is enjoyed, and body movement that I didn’t know I could do … WOW … MAINTENANCE!!!

Today I attach to this post, not a picture of how I looked before, and how I look now … yes, that is important.  But, today I post a picture taken on December 14, 2016.  It is a picture showing me doing squats with a 115 pound barbell!!!!   My security net, Brandon, is right behind me, always coaching, protecting, and I think ready to catch me!!   So just remember … you are never too big, you are never too small, and most importantly you are never too old!!!!!     It is amazing what the body can do when it is healthy!!! 

Brandon wrote these words to me recently in a card, “You have somehow managed to pack the power and determination of a 10ft. giant into a  4’9 petite redhead.”    And he added, “The best part is that there is so much more we can accomplish.”  Oh, my!   That, folks, is the WIN!!!!!!!!  That, folks, is glorious MAINTENANCE!!!   I say it all of the time, and I’ll say it again once more … Brandon and this program helped save my life.  Of that,  I have no doubt.     

God truly put me in the right place, at the right time, with the right people.  Blessed!!!

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