Friday, December 29, 2017

Joyful Third Anniversary ...

December 29 is a celebration day for me.   It has been three years since I reached a 70-pound weight loss.   I have placed a lot of pressure on myself this past year, as I have been “maintaining” a weight about 2 pounds above that 70-pound-weight loss number.  I have been completely and totally hung up on THAT NUMBER!!!  As I start this blog post, I don’t know what the number will be on December 29, because I start writing this memory actually on December 27.  I’m starting now because I really want to focus on the past three years, instead of THAT NUMBER!!!  

I started my wellness journey on April 7, 2014.  I didn’t really have a goal weight in my mind, as the program that I participate with (HMR program) does not assign you a target weight number.   But as I got closer to the end of that year, and also got closer to the 70-pound weight loss number, I thought how nice it would be to hit that mark before the end of the year.  Sure enough, as I weighed in on December 29, 2014,  I hit that 70-pound-weight loss.  I had in my mind that I would lose another 10 pounds, and then I would be content to maintain.

Things can change with what you might have in your mind that you want to accomplish.  I did lose a few more pounds over the next several weeks, and I maintained that weight loss for several months.  However, it became evident that it may not be a “true weight loss.”  In my efforts to concentrate on a particular number, I was exercising a lot, but not keeping the nutrition balance appropriate for the amount of exercise.   Brandon, my health educator worked with me, tirelessly, to add in more lean proteins, more whole grains, and to up my calorie content a bit.  I did so, and even though I hate to admit it, felt better, had more strength, and more energy … but I also “gained” a few pounds over a period of months.  This is terrifying.  Anyone who has battled weight, been on “diets”, etc. will know exactly what my thoughts were … “Here I go again!  I’m going to gain it all back!”   It truly is a mind game.     But I can report that over the past year to year and a half, for the most part, I have been within 1 pound of the same weight, often within a quarter of a pound or half a pound of the same weight.  WOW!!!  Talk about maintaining.  

I’ve learned (almost) that numbers are numbers.   While you may think you want to weigh a certain number, your body will find it’s sweet spot and stay right there, as long as you are doing your part with proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management.   To prove this point, I actually went back in Phase 1 of our wellness plan. Phase 1 is “boot camp” so to speak, and this is where everyone starts out initially in our HMR program.  Well, I went back in Phase 1 for a total of 6 weeks!!!  Guess how much weight I lost …  ¼ pound!!!!!!!!   My body absolutely loves where it is right now.   I still have that magical number in my head, but I am slowly, ever so slowly accepting my status quo.  

When I start to regress and fret over THAT NUMBER, I remind myself of this:

·         Off all blood pressure medications

·         Lower cholesterol and medication dropped in ½ of dose prior to my wellness journey

·         My body exercises and does things that it hasn’t done in 40 years

·         I rarely, if ever, have a cold, headache, or seasonal illnesses

·         I shattered a shoulder, but I healed from the surgery in lightning speed time and amazed my doctors and therapists. 

·         I have walked three half marathons, a number of 10 milers, 10K’s, and 5K’s, and actually ran a 5K for the first time in my life this year, at age 64!!

·         I made the commitment to lift heavier weights this year, and working with Brandon, my trainer and health educator, accomplished this commitment.  My claim to fame is 165-pound deadlift.  Not bad for a 4’9”, soon to be,  65-year-old lady!!

·         During one weights workout this year, in 10 minutes I did 10 reps of 7 deadlifts of 95 pounds and 7 chest presses of 65 pounds.  Doing the math that is 70 x 95 and 70 x 65 …. That is 11,200 pounds in 10 minutes.   Seriously ???

·         And, probably the most humbling … when someone tells me they joined the HMR program, joined the gym, and are getting healthy because I inspired them!!!!  Wow!!!! 

So, as I celebrate this third anniversary, on December 29, 2017 of having lost 70 pounds, I’m going to be happy regardless of what THAT NUMBER is on the scale.   I know it will be within 1 to 3 pounds.  Heck that could be muscle weight, and I’m not naïve enough to think it may be a little weight gain with the holiday temptations of the past few weeks.  But, whatever THAT NUMBER is, I’m one happy and blessed girl.   Three years of health, fitness, and maintaining of an awesome amount of weight loss.  

As I started this past year, I knew I was just one year shy of hitting the big age of 65!!!  I made a commitment to myself that I would live boldly in 2017.   I’m happy to say I accomplished that goal.   I’ve learned a lot this year, exercised a lot this year, maintained healthy habits a lot this year, travelled to different parts of the world this year, and have thoroughly enjoyed life a lot this year.    I want to continue that  “a lot“ into 2018.  So my goal in 2018, and I’ll turn 65 on February 9, is to build from that live boldly to stating the fact that I am  65 and joyfully bold!!!!   I will continue to live boldly, building on what I’ve learned this past year, and carrying that knowledge into my 65th year!!!!!!  You are never to old, never to big, never to small, never to anything to not LIVE BOLDLY and go for your dreams.  Dreams do become reality.  I know it!!!!

God placed me in the right place, at the right time, with the right people.  I am forever grateful and blessed!

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