Friday, February 9, 2018

65 Joyfully Bold ...

Today, I turn 65.  Yes, that is correct, 65!!!!   I always thought the phrase, “where has the time gone?” was a bit of a cliché.  I may be thinking about that a bit differently these days.

I recently heard this comment:

“Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.”

Boy, I can appreciate this now.   Yes, I turn 65 today.  I like to think of 65 as the new 40!!!!!  I believe I actually feel better now at 65, then I did when I was 40. For that I can be so very grateful.   I started a wellness program about 4 years ago, and I can honestly say that it has changed my life, I know it has extended my life, and in actuality, probably saved my life.

I think the reality of age 65 may have hit me the strongest when I opened my mail and found my Medicare card.  I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry.  And to even be more cynical, since I am still working, I don’t need it yet, and I fear that by the time that I do, that it won’t be worth the paper it is written on any longer … given our current political climate!

Last year, in my 64th year, my promise to myself was to “live boldly.”   I think I accomplished that in many ways.   I like to celebrate these bold moves last year …

·         Maintained a 70-pound weight loss for yet another year … 3 years currently!

·         Took a transatlantic cruise from Tampa, Florida to Barcelona, Spain.  The boldest part of this was the flight home, given my less than comfortable level with flying!

·         Deadlifted 165 pounds!!  (Can I add to this that I am 4’9” and about 130 pounds!)

·         Walked at least 200 miles in different road races throughout the year.

·         Participated in several rallies/protests over beliefs I hold dear.  Some that I thought would be uncomfortable, but actually turned out to be huge blessings.

But rather just sharing what I did, I’d like to reflect on what I’ve learned.   And not just in my 64th year, but during my 64 years.     I love the meme I saw once that said, “Some days I just wish I had the wisdom of a ninety-year-old, the body of a twenty-year-old, and the energy of a three-year-old.”  That may just be the home run!!!!!

I’ve learned …

·         Say the right words at the time.  You may not get another opportunity.

·         Eat healthy, exercise well, diminish your stress, and sleep well.

·         Your body listens to everything you say about it and to it.  Be kind!!  If you wouldn’t say it to somebody else, don’t say it to yourself.

·         Laugh!  I mean belly laugh!!!!! And, then belly laugh again, and again, and yet again!  There is truth in the statement that laughter is the best medicine.

·         It’s OK to be afraid, as long as you don’t let it paralyze you.

·         Find your true friends and nourish those friendships. True friendship is a huge blessing from God, and with all grace, needs to be embraced and nurtured.

·         Love your family. All of them, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins.  They are your family!

·         Don’t be afraid to cry.  Cry if you are sad, cry if you are happy, cry if you are frustrated.   A good cry is good for the soul.

·         Make a commitment to do at least one fun thing a day. Don’t wait for tomorrow, that opportunity may not come.

·         Dance!   Get up and dance!!! Everyone can dance, believe me, everyone can dance!

·         Walk in the rain.  It is so refreshing.

·         Make sure to play in the snow.  So much fun to catch snowflakes on your tongue. Don’t worry if someone sees you.

·         Always use your hands to help others.

·         Get a dog. Get two or three dogs.  Surround yourself with dogs.   It is unconditional love personified.

·         Be kind to nature.  It holds majesty.  Just sit or walk in nature and listen. That’s all that is needed.

·         Squish your toes in the sand and surf.  

·         Always be honest.  Simply be honest.

·         Meet new people from different places, different cultures, different religions, different countries. Our diversity makes us strong.

·         At any opportunity, hold a baby.  Watch their eyes as they start to explore. We can learn a lot from them.

·         Sing! Sing! Sing!  If it’s sacred music that speaks to you, sing it.  Whatever touches your soul in song, sing it!

·         Drive safely.  If someone is frustrated with your speed and tries to “push you along”, just turn up the radio, and sing along!

·         Read.  Read everything you can get your hands on.  It’s a beautiful way to explore so many avenues.

·         Travel, and then travel some more. The world is our playground, and knowledge abounds.

·         Decorate your home for the seasons.   Each season is an awesome work of art from God.  Celebrate it!

·         Work hard.  Find a job that makes you want to get up every day, and work hard.

·         Love through every pore in your body.  If you’ve ever truly loved someone, you never stop loving them.   Store it in the right place.

·         Never accept in silence.  If it is important to your beliefs, make your voice heard!

·         Pray.  Start your day off with prayer, and end your day with prayer.   It can just be a conversation, a spiritual book, a silent time spent with you and your God.

·         Worship!   Whatever your belief, worship!

·         Always, without exception, be kind!

I always thought I might be a little sad to grow older, and it seems that 65 is indeed a special number.  But rather than sad, I feel excitement. I feel bold excitement.  If I’m being 100% honest, I may be a bit sad because I know my days may be getting a bit shorter, if life expectancy can be considered.   For that, I am sad.  But I am excited, as I feel that the “knowledge” that I’ve learned over the many years, has resulted in my being much more “in the moment.”   It makes me want to embrace many different and new things, and it has made me less afraid.  Not being afraid may be one of the biggest blessings of growing older.   I think we all experience fear as we are growing up.  First our fears as a child, then our fears of acceptance as a teenager, then our fears of young adulthood, our fears of parenthood.  Yes, there are fears of growing older, but I think our knowledge of “living in the moment” truly helps to allay those fears.  I know it has for me.

So my year of 2017, I committed to “live boldly.”  My year of 65 is committed to being 65 and joyfully bold.   I do believe God calls us to be bold with our lives.  

God has always put me in the right place, with the right people, at the right time.  So … I am 65 and joyfully bold!!!!!!

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