Thursday, September 20, 2018

Don't Get Frustrated ... Get Energized!!

I write this blog post for my dear comrades on our health journey.  You know who you are.  If this touches others, then that is just awesome.

Most of us have been on our healthy journey for anywhere between one to four plus years.   During this time frame, I think it is safe to say, that all of us have come a long way, baby!!!!!!!  We have endured several months of a Phase 1 type program, with very stringent guidelines, without many optional choices coming into play.   Then as we progressed, we moved into a Phase 2 type program, which allowed for a slow transition “back into the real world.”  I think it is safe to say that most of us made this transition extremely slowly, not only out of trying to see what our bodies would do, and how they would react to the institution of certain foods back into our systems, but probably the strongest reason … FEAR!!!

Yes, I said it … FEAR!!!!   We were afraid of the scale, afraid of certain food groups, afraid we would lapse back into very bad habits, and yes, just afraid of going back into the abyss.   I think it is also safe to say that we all reacted to and responded to this fear in many different ways.   I am sure among these responses were:  1) putting food into our diet … then taking it back out.  2) Because of what the scale may have done in number (1), we then reverted completely back to Phase 1.  3) Then when the scale was friendly again, we repeated number (1).   Then probably repeated number (2).    And on, and on, and on.

Then we became a bit more secure in our new lifestyle and noticed that after we let our bodies respond to new additions back into our diet, we did slowly slip into a Phase 2 cycle where we had somewhat of a balance of lean proteins, veggies and fruits, our protein shakes, and maybe, just maybe a whole grain.  Some of us may have not done whole grains and may actually not be doing them to this day.  But, Phase 2 became more comfortable and not quite so scary.

During all the time of Phase 1 and Phase 2, we were also becoming more and more active in the gym, working with our trainer, or participating in outside activities that promoted a healthy exercise regime.   We may have found that we increased our exercise levels, but really did not tweak our Phase 2 diet intake or get a healthy balance to our nutrition/exercise level.  NOTE TO SELF!!!!!!

As the months and even years progressed, we may have found that as we progressed, we blinked an eye, and found that we were really truly living in the “real world.”  What a liberating feeling to know that we have made a lifestyle change and not a “diet” change, and we have found that we can actually go day to day, eat healthily, and maintain our weight range nicely.   

The downfall to this new “freedom” comes the threat of becoming a bit too comfortable and slowly but surely letting trigger foods back into our lives.  Trigger foods by themselves are not the culprit, but they can be a red flag if they lead to a more sustained unhealthy lifestyle and take us out of our game.

I have heard so many of my comrades on this journey state how frustrated they have become, as everything tends to be getting harder.  You would think that as time passed, things would get easier, but this is certainly not the case.  Understood!  Completely understood!

It seems that our willpower was stronger when we still had weight to lose, or initially on the journey, or progressing into Phase 2.  Now here we are anywhere from one to 4 years later, and where is our willpower?

I remember our health educator saying you CAN NOT rely on willpower.  Boy, do I now know that to be words of truth.  Willpower will help sometimes, possibly even most times, but certainly not EVERY time.   I am a firm believer of what ends up working long term is the comfort learned from experiencing over and over and over and over, and did I say over again, and again, and again the trials and tribulations of what our bodies do and how they perform.   Not until we learn and allow ourselves to become comfortable with the scale fluctuations, the cravings, and the best ways to live in the real world will we ever function frustration free.    Life is not a utopia, and frustration will never be completely gone, but I firmly believe it is possible for it only to exist at maybe 5% or less in our lives.   But this does not come easy, it is not without fight, and I know I am not there completely yet, even after 4+ years!

I have decided to try to put some forms of action together to help us through these frustrating times. They are certainly not cure-all’s, but maybe, just maybe they will make things a bit easier.  If these do not work, then we will try others.  My motto for these are going to be DON’T GET FRUSTRATED … GET ENERGIZED!!

Weekends (or whatever your most difficult time is) – our support group recently spoke about weekends.  Our group exercises strenuously with our trainer throughout the week.   We are so vulnerable on the weekend for so many different reasons 1) our bodies are tired and recuperating from the workouts, 2) we are hungrier because our bodies are in recovery mode, 3) our social lives are so different on the weekend, 4) what works for us during the week, doesn’t necessarily work for us on weekends due to number (1), number (2), and number (3)    DON’T GET FRUSTRATED … GET ENERGIZED!

Hungrier?  -- Come up with a new healthy recipe that is super delicious, something you may not have time to fix throughout the week, or you save for those “craving” weekends. Fix it and enjoy it!!!  I recently added a pasta dish to my weekend menu that is both delicious and healthy, and it was so SATISFYING.   DON’T GET FRUSTRATED … GET ENERGIZED!

Not Satisfied? – Plan your treat.   If you like a specific dessert or appetizer, identify it, plan it in your food prep, and allow yourself to indulge.   I would almost go out on the limb and say it is OK to do this on a weekend basis, a monthly basis, whatever is satisfying (JUST NOT DAILY).   To allow yourself to never have your special treat, to me is a perfect GPS to disappointment and frustration.   I love bread pudding.  Derby Dinner Playhouse has delicious bread pudding.   I have season tickets to Derby Dinner.  If you look at my calendar right now, you will see Derby Dinner on my calendar for October 12, and right next to that entry is “bread pudding!”  This keeps me sane.   I don’t have bread pudding every day, every week, every month … but I do have it every time I go to Derby Dinner Playhouse, which is about every 8 to 10 weeks!!!  DON’T GET FRUSTRATED … GET ENERGIZED!!!

Bored during down time and thinking about food? – redirect your thoughts.  On the weekend, I have more downtime, and less exercise time, as I tend to use these days for my needed rest time from the gym.  Thus, I get easily bored, and I find myself when I am resting, of course, thinking about food.  When I stop and really tune into my feelings, I may not even be hungry, but rather bored, as I am just more idle.   I have begun to get up off the couch, and clean a room in my house.  Clean out a closet, a drawer.   May not sound exciting, but I bet all of us love that feeling when our house is tidier, or our closet is cleaned out, to stand back and look at it, and enjoy the declutter. There is truth in decluttering your life as being beneficial.     If you are not a cleaner, or your house is already clean (so not mine) then crochet, read, take the dog for a walk, write a letter to a friend you have not seen in a while, catch up with your DVR.   Just occupy your mind, so you take the focus off food!!!  DON’T GET FRUSTRATED … GET ENERGIZED!!!

Feel Alone? --  Sometimes we just feel we are on an island, and everyone else is normal, we are not, everyone else is skinny, we are not, everyone else can have what they want, and we cannot.   Find your tribe!!!!!!!  We are blessed to have such a wonderful support group.  I thank God every day for each and every one of you.     We are all just a text away from a cheery reply, an empathetic reply, words of encouragement, and suggestions for getting through a particular incidence.  Use your tribe!!!  DON’T GET FRUSTRATED … GET ENERGIZED!!!

We have done all this and we still failed? – First and foremost, let’s forgive ourselves.    If we wouldn’t say it to someone else, let’s  not say it to ourselves.   We are warriors!!
I am a firm believer that God puts all of us exactly where we are supposed to be with exactly the right people.      DON’T GET FRUSTRATED … GET ENERGIZED!!!

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