Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lady Ruth Fi-Fi Center

OK, so I don't end up in therapy, I am admitting now, very forthcoming, that I will be a royal wedding watcher.  Yes, I will be setting my alarm at 4:00 a.m. That hasn't happened since the last time I jetted off to a tropical isle, which would have been ... NEVER!  I want to watch it all "live"  I just don't think I could be happy with re-runs, which I am sure will infiltrate all the news mediums for the next several weeks.  No, I want to watch it live!

If we were all truthful to ourselves, I'm sure everyone of my gender, will admit that we, at some point in our lives, have dreamed of riding off into the sunset with our beautiful prince.  It may have been the gangly boy with braces and pimples in the 9th grade, our first adult love in college, or the pot-bellied mate we may currently have in our lives.  I know I had one prince in my lifetime, and I let him slip through my fingers.  If I had only been as smart 30 years ago, as I think I am today.

So here comes our opportunity to watch this lovely lady transform into a princess.  I know it's a cliche, but it truly is a modern day fairy tale.  For this brief period of time, we get to travel through our fairy tales that we only envisioned as a child.

Surely you have heard of the mechanism for determining your Royal Wedding Guest Name.  First you put Lord or Lady in front, then you add the first name of a grandparent, then you add the name of your first pet, then you add the name of the street where you grew up.

Well, I must bug off!   It's time to set the alarm.  I think I  will make some scones, have a spot of tea, and of course, will adorn myself with my finest hat.  Lady Ruth Fi-Fi Center is about to arrive at the event of the decade!

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